Thursday 23 May 2013

Potato Blight Research

Scientists have identfied the cause of the Irish Potato Famine of 1845.

Read more here

Wednesday 22 May 2013

Congratulations to Horticulture Student Jamie Butterworth

A young Askham Bryan Level 3 Extended Diploma Horticulture student is making a splash at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Jamie Butterworth (18) was invited to assist in the Gold medal award winning Hillier's stand in the Great Pavillion this year. Jamie also made time to record some pieces for BBC Radio 4's Gardener's Question Time, and met his hero Alan Titchmarsh.
This September, Jamie is due to start an illustrious RHS apprenticeship at RHS Wisley.  John Hillier was so impressed with Jamie's enthusiasm and hard work that he has already booked Jamie to work with him at Chelsea next year, to the disappointment of the RHS team!

The photos show Jamie with Horticulture tutor Sarah Owen-Hughes's son Toby. Toby has won the RHS Young School Gardener of the Year and attended the Press Day at Chelsea along with Jamie and Sarah. A future student in the making!

Monday 20 May 2013

Chippy's Ducklings Hatched!

We couldn't believe it when a duck decided to nest in the the middle of the wood-chip pile outside the Arboriculture area (can you spot her in the photo above?!)
She must have picked it because it was warm and comfy but with all the goings on (students, chainsaws, tractors etc.) we didn't hold much hope of any succesful hatchings. We named her 'Chippy' and put up signs asking people to try not to disturb her. And 1 month later...............

.........this is what we found this morning!

Friday 17 May 2013

Stolen Trailer Found!

When our Ifor Williams trailer was stolen about 4 years ago we never expected to see it again but we received a phone call from the police a couple of weeks ago saying that they'd found a trailer and thought it may belong to us. Dave Wakeley went to the compound where it was being held and positively identified it as ours and today Matt Metcalfe returned to bring it home!

Tree climbing in York's Museum Gardens


 On Wednesday 15th May, Arboriculture tutors Dave Butterfield and Adrian Whitmore took Level 3 Forestry & Arboriculture students tree climbing in York's Museum Gardens to highlight some of the amazing trees they have there (and also a bit of promotion for the College!)

The story was featured on BBC Radio York and the York Evening Press and if you were lucky enough to catch it, on BBC Look North that evening - Dave Butterfield was a natural in front of the camera!

This is BBC Radio York presenter, Katy Wright, who had a go at climbing.

Listen to Dave Campbell on BBC Radio York this Saturday

Horticulture Matters

Horticulture and Landscape Industries Section Leader, Dave Campbell has been invited to speak on BBC Radio York this Saturday (18th May) where he will be discussing the recent RHS 'Horticulture Matters' report.
The report calls for  government action to urgently  address the skills gap in the horticultural industry.
Get more information about the report here:

Dave will be talking on the 7am breakfast show and should be on at approximately 8.20am, if you're not up in time you can 'listen again' through the i-player!

Thursday 16 May 2013

The Green House Shop Late Night Opening Monday 24th May

The Green House shop is open Mon - Fri, 9am - 4pm. We have a massive selction of plants for sale including Summer bedding, veg, fruit, shrubs, perennials, climbers, alpines and hanging baskets. We're much better quality than the big garden centres and  lot cheaper.
The majority of our plants are grown here at the college.

On Monday 24th May we will be open until 7.30pm

Look forward to seeing you there!

Wednesday 8 May 2013

Forest Monitoring Satellite

A satellite that can ''weigh'' the Earth's forests has just been given the go ahead by the European Space Agency. 'Biomass', which is being launched in 2020, will use a radar to sense trunks and branched of trees from orbit and then will calculate the amount of carbon stored in our forests.

Read more here:

Friday 3 May 2013

Plant of the Week - Clematis armandii

This is a beautiful evergreen clematis which bears fragrant, white flowers in abundance from March to April. It is a good screen plant due to its evergreen drooping leaves and climbing abilities.