Wednesday 22 May 2013

Congratulations to Horticulture Student Jamie Butterworth

A young Askham Bryan Level 3 Extended Diploma Horticulture student is making a splash at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show. Jamie Butterworth (18) was invited to assist in the Gold medal award winning Hillier's stand in the Great Pavillion this year. Jamie also made time to record some pieces for BBC Radio 4's Gardener's Question Time, and met his hero Alan Titchmarsh.
This September, Jamie is due to start an illustrious RHS apprenticeship at RHS Wisley.  John Hillier was so impressed with Jamie's enthusiasm and hard work that he has already booked Jamie to work with him at Chelsea next year, to the disappointment of the RHS team!

The photos show Jamie with Horticulture tutor Sarah Owen-Hughes's son Toby. Toby has won the RHS Young School Gardener of the Year and attended the Press Day at Chelsea along with Jamie and Sarah. A future student in the making!

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